The right transept, the apsidal right chapel and the sacristy
Point of interest 6
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Now you’ll find yourself in the right transept where you may admire the “Chapel of the SS. Sacramento” – wanted by the Bishop Giuseppe Antonio Maria Corte, who ordered the execution of works of the altar and of the neoclassical style balustrade between 1783 and 1786.
The decorations of the vault and the altarpiece placed over the altar with the “Last Supper” date from 1880, and are attributed to the painter from Turin, Roberto Bonelli.
Continuing beyond you may admire the “Chapel of the Santo Rosario”,

obtained from the chapel’s apsis, characterised by graceful, rococo stuccoes dating from 1766-1767.
The marble altar is an eighteenth century craftsmanship, as is the wooden statue of the “Madonna del Rosario”, carved by Giuseppe Garzoni, and the small, fifteen medallions with the mysteries of the Rosary, attributed to Monevi native of Visone, a small village near Acqui Terme.
From here Crossing the door on the right you can enter into the “Sacristy of the chaplain” with its impressive wooden wardrobes. If you look carefully at the internal overdoor, the canvas of the “Madonna del Rosario”, a work of art by Monevi is worthy of particular attention.
Point of interest 5
The Cloister
Point of interest 7
The Triptych of the Virgin of Montserrat of Bartolomé Bermejo